Key Takeaways :
The Second Chance Business Coalition, marking its one-year anniversary, launched the Community Partners Map to help employers connect with supporting organizations nationwide.
The map initially included over 650 organizations across 45 of the top job markets in the United States.
The SCBC expects this map to encourage partnerships between employers and workforce organizations that open doors to new talent pools and connect people who are justice-impacted with meaningful career opportunities.
Envoy has worked with the Second Chance Business Coalition (SCBC), to design and develop an interactive map to connect employers that are committed to second chance employment with community-based organizations that provide work-readiness training and wraparound support to people who have been impacted by the justice system.
Capturing 45 major metro areas and over 650 organizations, the Community Partners Map highlights service providers that partner with employers to identify, screen, and support great candidates with past justice involvement. These organizations support job seekers through job readiness programming, re-entry services, skills training, and more. Organizational profiles include information about unique program offerings, wraparound supports, and industry-recognized training and credentialing.
The tool also includes program leadership details and local contact information to allow companies to make direct outreach to community-based organizations that can support their talent development and recruitment needs. We believe the Community Partners Map will be instrumental in driving second chance employment initiatives by facilitating greater partnerships between employers and local reentry and workforce service providers that support justice-involved people.