Envoy’s philanthropic advising practice includes both revenue generation and grantmaking. We aim to partner with families and foundations at critical junctures in their lifecycle, including launching new initiatives, aggregating capital toward common goals, or making significant grants that require deep diligence and partnership building. Our team brings experience launching new foundations, building collaborative initiatives across multiple funders, and selecting and managing a portfolio of grantees that aligns with a philanthropic mission.
Examples of our philanthropic work include
Launching and managing a large two-generation family foundation focused on education and student well-being
Developing a large scale philanthropic partnership between a city government and United Way
Building strategy and case-making materials for a $50M multi-funder criminal justice reform initiative
Conducting deep diligence toward a multi-million dollar grant exploration to University​​
Managing grantee cohorts and Peer Learning Networks to provide leaders and organizations with ongoing support, technical assistance, and peer-to-peer learning.
Our philanthropic engagements are designed to refine and drive funders’ missions and help maximize grant dollars and bring new and aligned resources to the table.
If you're interested in learning more, feel free to reach out to Salomon Moreno Rosa.
Case Studies
Berstein Family Foundation

Engagement: Envoy helped launch and continues to manage the organizational and programmatic operations of the Berstein Family Foundation, a Philadelphia-based family foundation supporting school and nonprofit leaders that are developing partnerships to implement and grow proven interventions that improve student and family outcomes. Envoy also manages the foundation’s peer learning network for grantees, providing direct support and technical assistance to community-school partnerships and other recipients of grant awards.
Results: Through this work, Envoy has partnered with foundation leadership to determine the organization’s overarching goals, implement its strategic vision, and make and evaluate 40+ grants to schools and community-based organizations annually. Through its peer learning network management, Envoy convenes the foundation’s grantees to organize trainings, speaker panels, and networking events to help drive local funding priorities.
United Way

Engagement: Envoy has been working with the United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey to help update and adapt its philanthropic model. This work includes organizational design, program implementation, fundraising, and strategic support to the President and CEO.
Results: Envoy's support has included helping launch new grantmaking and donor engagement initiatives such as The Promise, RISE, and Social Venture Partners designed to invest funds in evidence-based, measurable programs, and expand United Way's relevance to new audiences and partners.